It is crucial for anyone working in a law firm, including the COFA, to have a good understanding of the SRA Accounts Rules. Protecting client money is of the utmost importance, and failing to comply with these rules can have catastrophic consequences, resulting in severe financial losses.

In 2019, the SRA introduced a new set of SRA Accounts Rules, which is the first significant update in over 20 years. The new rules are simpler, with only 13 rules, but they come with lengthy guidelines to follow. As a result, your policies and procedures must be up to date and in more detail to comply with the new rules. These changes will allow you to make some significant changes to the way you work.

This course aims to remind fee earners about their obligations towards client money as imposed by the SRA. The course is designed to assist attendees in improving their collaboration with cashiers and other finance and administrative staff within their firm, as well as to help them understand their responsibilities as fee earners.

By the end of the course, attendees will gain a better understanding of the crucial record-keeping and procedural obligations required by the Rules, and they will learn how to manage their work more efficiently.