About UWS

Discover our respected and high-quality
Scottish higher education options in London

0 %
and higher student satisfaction score in more than 14 of its academic programmes

(NSS 2019)

0 %
student satisfaction on learning opportunities, academic support, student voice and teaching

(NSS 2019)

0 %
of UWS Graduates are in
work or further study
after graduating

(World University Ranking)

0 %
of research at UWS was classed as world leading, internationally excellent or achieved international recognition

(REF 2021)

Making a difference

Entering university study can seem like a daunting prospect, however, it offers a wealth of opportunities for personal and academic development, as well as shaping your future career.

Every year at University of the West of Scotland, London Campus, we welcome hundreds of home and international students into our vibrant and diverse academic community.

We do everything we can to help them prepare for life at UWS as well as supporting them during their studies. And we aim to provide our students with an enriching and rewarding experience that they’ll look back on with fond memories.

Our history

University of the West of Scotland has grown to become one of  Scotland’s most innovative, forward-thinking universities. 

Our history shows our strong traditions in higher education and the development of our modern footprint that makes us one of Scotland’s highest ranked young universities. 

Bringing high-quality Scottish higher education to an even wider audience saw us establish UWS London Campus and our development continues.


Paisley School of Design is established.



Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, daughter of Queen Victoria, lays the foundation stone for Paisley Technical School – the historic roots of UWS.



Paisley Technical School is officially opened to meet the needs of business and industry in the west of Scotland.



The College becomes University of Paisley, with campuses in Paisley and Ayr.



The University establishes its Dumfries Campus in southwest Scotland.



The University grows through merger to become University of the West of Scotland and establishes its fourth Scottish campus, in Lanarkshire.



UWS’s new £81 million state-of-the-art Ayr Campus opens.



UWS London Campus is launched.



UWS’s award-winning £110million Lanarkshire Campus opens.



UWS London Campus expands in a stunning new Dockland’s facility.



Over 23,000 students, including almost 9000 international (non-EU) students. UWS student population comprises over 130 nationalities.

University of the West of Scotland - Higher Education Institution of the Year at The Heral Higher Education Awards 2022
UWS was a winner of Higher Educational Institution of the Year in 2022
(The Herald Higher Education Awards 2022)
About UWS 1
UWS is ranked in the top 800 universities worldwide
(Times Higher Education 2024
World University Ranking)
About UWS 2
UWS is ranked in the top 200 universities worldwide, under 50 years of age
(Times Higher Education 2024
World University Ranking)
About UWS 3
UWS Student Union won the University Students’ Association of the Year 2022 & 2023
NUS (National Union of Students)
Scotland Awards 2023
About UWS 4
UWS is ranked in the top 400 universities worldwide
(Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024)

Preparing you for success

At UWS, we invest in our students’ future. We understand how important it is for our students to feel empowered and prepared for success in their careers. Our graduates go out into the world ready to succeed thanks to our industry-relevant career-focused courses, modern facilities and excellent teaching underpinned by professionally relevant research, knowledge exchange and enterprise.

We are committed to ensuring that every student fulfils their academic potential while studying with us at UWS. Our team of academic skills advisers provide academic advice, guidance and resources to help students to develop and enhance the skills they need for success at university and beyond.

About UWS 5

Community at UWS

UWS prides itself on being a diverse community that caters to students from all over the world. Our welcoming community is full of opportunities for students to get involved in.

Across the student population, there are almost 9000 international students, and the University’s student population covers over 130 different nationalities.

Here for you when you need us

We want to make sure that all of our students get the most out of the university experience.

From career guidance, academic skills support, counselling and wellbeing advice, as well as a fantastic student union, our student-centred services are designed to address all students’ academic and personal needs to ensure they can thrive.

About UWS 6

International student support

We have a dedicated team of International Student Advisers (ISAs) to help students who are moving to the UK to study for the first time.

They can help you to prepare for your time at UWS and support you during your studies.

Our advisers offer tailored guidance, including visa and immigration advice, and can answer questions about finance and your general welfare.

You can also read our guide to moving to London for international students.

Teaching & research excellence​

At UWS, we invest in our students’ future. Our graduates go out into the world ready to succeed thanks to our industry-relevant courses, modern facilities and innovative teaching underpinned by professionally relevant research, knowledge exchange and enterprise. We offer a range of career-focused undergraduate, postgraduate and research degree opportunities across our academic schools.

We are committed to producing work-ready graduates. Our vocational degree courses combine input from industry and the professions to help develop your insight and knowledge to prepare you for a career in your chosen field or discipline.

We combine first-class teaching with world-leading and internationally excellent research. We aim to develop research outputs that have a tangible, early and positive impact on society across the globe.

Our research-active teaching staff are dedicated to making a real difference to the world, developing innovative technologies and shaping our society.