Everyone gets stressed from time to time. According to the NatWest Student Living Index 2022, three in ten students find studying stressful. Whether you’re preparing for a big presentation or are going through personal changes, this blog will show you some of the ways of how to deal with uni stress.
Worrying is part of our evolution as humans, for better or worse. Our central nervous system frequently responds to fear and worry with stress. When this happens, the first step to stop worrying is to consider what is causing your stress.
Some stress can be beneficial, pushing us to find solutions to real and current problems. Chronic stress can have a negative impact on our mental health. What’s the good news? There are numerous strategies available to assist us in learning how to manage stress and begin thriving.
We’re here to share our best strategies on how to be confident the next time you tackle that essay. We’ll give you the tools you need to get your stress under control. As a university student, your University will have numerous activities and support staff to assist you with stress management. Make use of them.
What to Keep in Mind When Dealing With Uni Stress
The three most important life hacks when dealing with Uni stress are:
- Consequences – Just keep in mind that while the choices that you make are yours, you may not always be able to control the outcomes. You’ll be well on your way to your newfound independence if you carefully analyse your options and the results of your decisions before acting.
- Change – University life will change your priorities and as your priorities change you will undoubtedly change with them. Embrace the change and allow yourself to grow.
- Cooperation – You are not alone. Just like you, many students deal with uni stress on a daily basis. Talking about your uni stress and allowing others to help you will give you the chance to thrive in your new environment.
Give yourself time
The most important thing to keep in mind is that everything is subject to change. Don’t give up if you’re first unhappy with your life as a student. Things in the uncharted student life will start to feel closer and more familiar with each passing day. Many changes are under your control, and adjusting to them offers a fantastic chance to develop stress-reduction skills.
Taking care of yourself is another essential and effective way to deal with stress. An active lifestyle and a balanced diet are essential for stress management. Exercise helps to reduce physical strain and provides a break from the mental and emotional stress you may be under during your studies.
As a result of exercise, your overall condition and stamina (resilience) will improve. Reducing unhealthy habits like binge eating can go a long way when dealing with stress.
Another meaningful and effective way on how to deal with uni stress is to take care of yourself. Practising methods that will make you happy or calm you down in specific situations is beneficial and can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.
For some, this may entail taking a hot bubble bath, watching an episode of their favourite TV show, or eating a nutritious snack.
To-do list
Taking everything one step at a time is a great way to stay on top of all your assignments and responsibilities. If you are frequently overwhelmed by the sheer volume of everything you have to do, instead of panicking, make a list of everything you need to do and check things off as you complete them.
By doing so, you will break down all of your large tasks into smaller ones, making them less intimidating and more manageable.
A lack of sleep can contribute to a lot of stress. Your brain, like your body, can become tired. By ensuring that your brain is well-rested, you can avoid the risk of being overtired and unable to think clearly while writing a paper late at night.
The recommended amount of sleep per night (for someone aged 17 to 24) is around seven to nine hours. Napping is also an excellent way to get the rest you need; even a short 26-minute nap will suffice.
Talk to somebody
Counselling is another crucial resource in stress management. Stress can be dangerous at times, affecting both our physical and mental health. When this occurs, it is critical to speak with someone, especially if you feel stuck or helpless.
Stress is common, but it should not be taken lightly. Look into counselling options at your University. Make use of the resources and opportunities for collaboration that you can discover at your University. You can get assistance from student counsellors with questions relating to studies and students. Even though you might occasionally feel alone, you don’t have to.
The alternative to counselling is talking to your friends and family. Discussing your stress-related issues can give you perspective and help you come up with a game plan on How To Deal With Uni Stress.
Pace yourself
Do not overwork yourself; doing so might lead to tension, anxiety, and a decrease in enthusiasm to learn. Make time for rest, socialising, leisure, and relaxation. You will be able to handle better the stressful events you will face if you practise good health habits and learn efficient stress management practices.
People are social beings. We rely on socialisation to experience a physical reduction in stress levels and a sense of community engagement. Increases in the hormone oxytocin, which helps to lower anxiety and trigger soothing reactions in the parasympathetic nervous system, are linked to adequate levels of social support.
In short, people are less likely to suffer harmful effects from stress the more social support they receive.If you are studying with the UWS London, consider joining the TEG Club. This will give you the opportunity to meet your fellow students and participate in numerous educational, social and health-related issues. Another option is joining the Students Association at UWS.
They are here to help you during your time at UWS, and all students can get involved in the Students’ Association by joining a society or receiving assistance in starting one. Societies are an excellent way to make new friends and meet new people. They can also help you to hone some of the skills you’ve learned during your studies.
Alternatively, you can look at some of the available friend-making apps and make new friends that way.
To sum it up the best strategies to relieve your Uni-related stress are :
- Get enough sleep
- Exercise
- Practice self-care
- Make a to-do list
- Talk to family and friends
- Seek counselling through University resources
- Deal with your assignments one step at the time
- Socialise
- Use relaxation techniques
Throughout your years of learning allow yourself to enjoy University life and don’t let stress stand in the way of that. Recognise the circumstances that can lead to stress, create stress management strategies, and ask for assistance if necessary.It’s always important to look after yourself and make sure you’re in good physical, mental, and emotional health. Finding out what your best stress-coping strategies are will help you a lot.
And, of course, remember that you are not alone and that there are resources available to assist you in dealing with and coping with your stress.