Studying During a Pandemic – Covid-19 Updates

student studing, writing with pen on paper

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to the UWS London campus in September 2021 to start the new term. We are pleased to share that, in line with government guidance, students will be able to regularly visit campus to engage in studies, social events, sports and societies. We can’t wait to have you back and we hope you’re as excited about the new academic year as we are!

As part of our continued UWS Covid Commitment, we’ve made arrangements to help keep you safe while studying at UWS London in the coming months. We’re asking all members of the UWS community to commit to taking personal responsibility for their role in ensuring our campus is a safe and welcoming environment.

Before you start the new term, here’s what to expect when starting at UWS London, or returning to your studies, in September 2021.

Visiting Campus

Can I visit campus?

Yes. You will be able to visit campus in September, but we’ll be asking you to follow certain regulations. We ask you to:

  • Wear a face covering, unless you are exempt
  • Observe social distancing in communal areas, where possible
  • Take a lateral flow test twice a week, making sure you take one within 48 hours of coming into campus
  • Let the University know immediately if you receive a positive test
  • Follow government guidelines after receiving a positive test or if you have come into contact with someone who has COVID-19
  • Stay home and don’t come into campus if you feel unwell.

Will I have to wear a face covering on campus?

Yes, we are asking all students to continue wearing a face covering while visiting the London campus, unless you are exempt. This is especially important while in communal areas, including the reception area, library and when using the lift.

This rule is in line with the University’s Covid Commitment and government guidance. It is one of the measures in place at UWS designed to protect your well-being. This may come as a culture shock to some students, but we’re always here if you need some advice.

Will I need to take regular tests?

Yes. In order to be allowed to visit campus, you will need to take a lateral flow test twice a week and take a lateral flow test within 48 hours of visiting campus

This is a government guideline that the University must follow.

We will continue to send you communication directly about the rules and regulations to follow when visiting campus, as government guidelines change.

How can I order a lateral flow test?

You can order tests from the GOV.UK website here.

What should I do if I receive a positive test result?

If you have received a positive test result, it’s important that you let the University know as soon as possible.

You can do this by calling 0141 848 3047.

We can assist you with remote learning and self-isolation advice.

What should I do if I feel unwell?

If you feel unwell, or you have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not visit campus.

Instead, please call 0141 848 3047 as soon as possible and we can assist with remote learning arrangements.

What are campus opening hours?

As of 9th July 2021, the London campus will be open Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm.

For regular updates on opening hours at the London campus, check the UWS opening hours page.


What will my induction look like?

As always, new students are required to go through our induction and enrolment processes. If you haven’t already heard from us, keep an eye on your emails for more information about what your induction will look like this year.

In the meantime, you can check the Student Information Portal for a host of important information about the broad range of student support services that we offer, as well as regular updates on what you can expect in the 2021/22 Academic Year.

We can’t wait to meet you!

Lectures and learning

What will learning programmes look like?

This year, we will be maintaining a hybrid learning approach that aims to offer you a dynamic and flexible teaching environment. We’ll be increasing the number of on-campus activities in September to enable you to fully engage in your studies, but we won’t be returning to the full delivery of face-to-face lectures. In order to maintain a flexible learning environment, you can expect most lectures to be available online.

For lectures available online, we will be moving away from longer ‘live’ lectures. Instead, you can expect shorter, pre-recorded videos that include forums, quizzes, online discussions and other interactive teaching methods.

How much teaching/learning will be online?

This is still yet to be decided by the schools but will vary from course to course. This information will be updated on the UWS London website in the weeks to come, so keep an eye out!

What are the teaching plans in the event of another lockdown?

In the event of another UK lockdown, the University will be required to follow government guidelines. In such circumstances, we will communicate directly with students to outline any changes to the learning approach.

We expect all students to follow government and public health guidance, while being mindful of the University’s Covid Commitment.

Travelling to campus

How can I safely travel to campus?

If you plan to travel to campus via public transport, we recommend you follow various safety and hygiene measures, while keeping up to date with the latest TfL safer travel guidance. This includes:

  • Planning your journey in advance with the TfL Go app
  • Travelling at quieter times, where possible
  • Wearing a face covering, unless you are exempt
  • Washing your hands before and after your journey
  • Carrying hand sanitiser or use sanitiser points at stations
  • Maintaining social distancing, where possible

For full guidance on travelling safely via public transport, read the TfL safer travel information here.

Looking After Yourself

We know it’s been a tough year for many students. While it’s been challenging for us all, we’re looking forward to welcoming you back to campus in a safe environment. We hope that the measures in place will enable you to engage in your studies and enjoy more on-campus learning activities.

But welcoming you back safely means looking after your mental health, too. Your wellbeing remains our top priority and if you’re facing issues, it’s good to talk. UWS London is here for you and there are easy ways to get in touch. You can contact The Hub by emailing or calling 0141 848 3800, where our colleagues are ready to help.

For more information on wellbeing support, you can:

Read our wellbeing resources

Check out our funding advice

Read our FAQ’s

Follow TeamUWS on Facebook and Twitter for regular health tips



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Enquire with us

We are here to help and to make your journey to UWS London as smooth as possible. Please use the relevant button below to enquiry about a course you would like to apply, or to clarify any questions you may have about us and our admission’s process. After you submit your enquiry, one of our advisers will get back to you as soon as possible.