About the seminar

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) take up a large part of today’s technology headlines – but is machine learning really all that AI is about?

This 1-hour seminar will discuss what is and what is not AI. The seminar will look at the latest achievements in AI and how they sit in the history of AI development and the long-term goals of the AI community.

AI is a big field – we will look under the covers to see, in layman’s terms, how AI works.  It will touch lightly on one or two areas, but the audience should get a feel for some general ways that AI “does its thing”.

No with a high-level understanding of AI, the seminar will, additionally, look at some of the limitations of current AI and relate these to our understanding of the workings of AI.

Very briefly, we will think about how/when these limitations might be overcome and what the implications (e.g. legal, and ethical) might be.